The Company is born by the professional motivation of its partners, to jointly develop their experiences and knowledge of the international freight forwarding.
The platform is a modern company, combined with the support of its members’ professionalism and an extensive knowledge of the internacional market.
One of our priority targets is to help and assist import and export requirements, on the carriage of goods, in the most efficient and proffesional way.
Southern Team Shipping & Logistics can assure their customers integrated air, land and ocean transport services, and logistics solutions for the handling and transportation of their cargo.

Our task is to look for solutions to the necessities of our clients and for it we count on dynamic, flexible and permanent innovation.
We guarantee the most secure, efficient and low cost operations.
Our main office is at Buenos Aires and we have a net of branches at:
• Ezeiza Internacional Airport
• San Nicolas
• Campana
• Rosario
• San Lorenzo
Our vision is to be in the future, one of the leading companies in the argentine market, keeping long term relations with our clients.
Southern Team Shipping & Logistics S.A.
A reliable Company for long term business relations. |
Branch office Campana
Castelli 221
B2804GFE Campana
Phone: +54 3489 426632
Fax: +54 3489 420566
Branch office Rosario
Mitre 845 - 3rd floor
S2000COQ Rosario
Phone +54 341 4111700
Fax: +54 346 1472205
Branch office San Lorenzo
Colón 1829
San Lorenzo
Phone: +54 3476 428038
Fax: +54 3476 472204
Branch Office San Nicolás
Francia 190
B2900HVD San Nicolas Argentina
Phone: +54 3461 424605
Fax: +54 3461 429653
Branch Office Ezeiza
Freight Building
Ezeiza International Airport
Ezeiza - Argentina
Phone: +5411-4331-3107
Fax: +5411-4343-6077
AOH 011-15 6 395.4727